Saturday 28 August 2010

Not a Snowflake!

Well, here I am again. Weekend is here and I have been working full time for the whole week so was a bit tetchy and tired last night. Neither of us could be bothered to cook supper so I had porridge at 9.00 and husband had a take away pizza!! I know, don't tell the diet fairy.

So, bed by 9.30 and asleep by 10.00. Tossed and turned most of the night and finally gave in and decided to get up and do my first listing on Misi for months!
So, at 7.15 a.m. I have photographed and listed and StumbledUpon, Tweeted, Facebooked and Googled this bookmark.

They were popular last year at craft fairs, once people realised what they were!!
Have a few left so they are cheaper this year.

Have a good weekend and keep fingers crossed for good weather.


  1. good morning jean, thought I hadn't seen you around for a while. will send you an email later, have a good weekend. joy xx

  2. You sound like me. I feel tired, go to bed and then get up four hours later and work on line. I was up at 4.45 his morning which is two hours later than usual and I didn't go to bed until 12.10am.
