Sunday 27 November 2011


Here he is. First one hot off the mat!
I shall be improving him tomorrow, or maybe he is perfect, only time will tell.
I shall be selling him on
Wish me luck x

Why Now!!

Good afternoon to you lovely people who follow my blog. I am in a bit of a muddle at the moment. Unfamiliar computer, no Paint Shop Pro and in the middle inventing a new Christmas decoration. I know I should be inventing in the summer months but working on Father Christmas in July is not something I find relevant. Good business sense, but not relevant!
So, here he is, not finished, bit lopsided but I hope it is obvious that he is Father Christmas. He needs arms as well and needs for his beard to grow, then he is done. I shall be sending him, and his brothers out to special friends this year. Unless I have a sudden rush of making and manage to list some next weekend.
If I have not been given my old computer tools back by then I may have a nervous collapse, so watch out as you may hear me screaming from Wiltshire to Scotland and back.